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Accountability Coach...4 or 6 Week Program

Regular price $247.00 USD
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If you have goals you wish to meet, you need a accountability coach. Here's Why.

  • You need someone to aggravate you and get on your nerves about your goals
  • I want to help you set goals that are specific, measurable and realistic 
  • Help you stay focused and motivated
  • Give unbiased advice, call you out on the blind spots you're not seeing
  • Lastly, CELEBRATE YOUR WINS!!!!!

Here's what members get when they join: 

  1. Access to ask me questions anytime via text 407 717 7838 Mon-Fri 9/7pm Est
  2. Weekly reminders of encouragement 
  3. Resources to help you on your journey
  4. (1) 30 min phone call per week
  5. Me stalking your social media 
  6. Me randomly texting you when I see you sidetracked
  7. Prizes for those who stick to their goals